Understanding Enshittification: What It Means and Why It Matters

In today’s digital age, a peculiar term has emerged in the lexicon of tech enthusiasts, economists, and everyday internet users: [enshittification]. At first glance, the word might seem confusing or humorous, but its implications are far from lighthearted. [Enshittification] refers to a process where an initially good or beneficial online platform or service gradually deteriorates, often due to corporate greed or mismanagement. This deterioration typically negatively impacts users, from degraded service quality to invasive advertisements or unfair practices. But what exactly causes [enshittification], and why should we care?

This article explores the core of [enshittification], exploring its origins, how it manifests, and its impact on the online world. We’ll also examine how you, as a user, can navigate these changes and continue to make the most of your online experience.

What Is Enshittification?

[Enshittification] is a relatively new term that has gained traction in describing the downward spiral many online platforms undergo. It can be broken down into three major stages:

  1. Initial User Attraction: Companies build platforms to attract users, offering innovative, often free, and highly user-friendly services.
  2. Monetization: Once a solid user base is established, companies introduce paid services, ads, or subscriptions to generate revenue.
  3. User Exploitation: The final stage is when platforms prioritize profits over user experience, often at the expense of quality, privacy, or fairness.

The term “enshittification” sums up this process by acknowledging the gradual erosion of the things that initially made these platforms valuable.

The Origin of Enshittification

The term itself might sound like modern slang, but it originates from online users’ frustrations when beloved platforms become harder to use or less enjoyable. Think of once-adored apps or websites that start overwhelming you with ads or platforms that promise free access but now charge for basic features.

Coined by tech critics and amplified in various online discussions, the word reflects a sentiment many have felt: something good has gone bad, and it’s due to the pursuit of higher profits.

The Signs of Enshittification

If you’ve been online for a while, you may have seen you’ve been creeping [enshittification] into your favorite platforms. But how can you tell when a platform is going down this path? Here are some common signs:

  • Increased Advertisements: Once minimal or non-intrusive, ads flood your screen, disrupting your experience.
  • Paywalls or Subscriptions: Once free features are behind paywalls or subscriptions,
  • Data Exploitation: Platforms often start harvesting more personal data without clear consent.
  • Algorithm Manipulation: Content that was once organic now seems manipulated to push certain agendas, products, or companies.
  • Reduced Functionality: Previously useful tools or features are either removed or degraded.

These are all red flags that a platform may undergo [enshittification].

Real-World Examples of Enshittification

Several popular platforms have been accused of undergoing [enshittification]. While the term itself might be humorous, the real-world impact is serious. Let’s explain a few cases where users have pointed out significant changes in quality due to corporate shifts.

Social Media Platforms

Social media giants like Facebook and Instagram have often been called out for prioritizing advertising over user experience. In their early days, these platforms were all about connecting people. Now, they are filled with targeted ads and algorithms that push paid content over organic posts. The average user sees fewer posts from friends and more sponsored content. This shift is a classic sign of [enshittification].

Streaming Services

Remember when Netflix was the ultimate destination for binge-watching your favorite shows? Recently, many users have noticed that their once-affordable subscription is creeping up in price, and more and more shows are getting moved behind additional paywalls. The quality of content is another factor—some users feel that original content is being rushed, while once-licensed movies and shows disappear. This is another case of [enshittification] at work.

Online Marketplaces

E-commerce platforms like Amazon have also been accused of following the path of [enshittification]. In its early days, Amazon was praised for its user-centric policies and seamless shopping experience. Today, the platform is filled with sponsored products, fake reviews, and sometimes lower-quality merchandise from third-party sellers. The focus has shifted from quality and trust to maximizing profits, a hallmark of [enshittification].

The Impact of Enshittification on Users

  • [Enshittification] doesn’t judge the quality of services—it impacts users on many levels, from financial costs to mental well-being. Here’s where ‘special Burden: Introducing subscription services, premium memberships, and paywalls places an extra financial burden on users who once enjoyed free services.
  • Invasion of Privacy: Companies often gather vast amounts of user data as they push for more aggressive monetization. This can lead to privacy concerns and a feeling of being constantly surveilled.
  • Reduced Enjoyment: Platforms that were once fun and easy to use become frustrating. Navigating ads, slow loading times, and constant upsells make it harder to enjoy the platform.
  • Misinformation: Manipulated algorithms and paid content can distort the flow of information. What was once a space for authentic expression can become a battleground of misinformation or biased content.

Why Does Enshittification Happen?

Understanding why [enshittification] occurs boils down to one thing: profit. Companies, especially publicly traded ones, have a responsibility to shareholders. This often leads to decisions prioritizing short-term financial gains over long-term user satisfaction.

Profit Over Quality

When platforms first launch, they prioritize gaining users by offering free, high-quality services. However, as those companies grow, they must show continual revenue increases, usually leading to strategies prioritizing profit over user experience.

How To Avoid Platforms That Undergo Enshittification

While [enshittification] might feel inevitable, there are ways to avoid its worst effects. By becoming a more discerning internet user, you can minimize these shifts’ impact on your online life.

Here are a few tips:

  • Support Ethical Platforms: Look for platforms prioritizing user experience and transparency over aggressive monetization.
  • Use Ad-Blockers: While it doesn’t doesn’t root problems, ad-blockers can improve your online experience.
  • Pay Attention to Reviews: Read user reviews before committing to paid services or new platforms.
  • Data Privacy Awareness: Keep track of what personal information you share and how you’re being.

Table: Key Differences Before and After Enshittification

FeatureBefore [Enshittification]After [Enshittification]

Advertisements Minimal or non-intrusive Overwhelming and disruptive

Subscription Fees Free or affordable Expensive with tiered services

Data Privacy Minimal data collection Extensive and invasive

Content Quality High-quality, user-generated Paid content prioritized

User Satisfaction High Declining due to frustrations

The Future of [Enshittification]

While it’s hard to predict the future of any platform, it’s likely that [enshittification] will continue as long as profit remains a priority for companies. However, increased user awareness and demand for transparency could push companies to rethink their strategies. More ethical alternatives could emerge, leading to a more balanced digital landscape.

How Users Can Fight Enshittification

It’s easy. It feels powerless when your favorite platform falls victim to [enshittification]. However, there are ways to push back and advocate for change:

  • Advocate for Regulation: Lobbying for better data privacy and user rights regulation can help slow the tide of [enshittification].
  • Support Open-Source Projects: Open-source platforms are typically more transparent, community-driven, and resistant to monetization pressures.
  • Vote with Your Wallet: Avoid leaving platformsplatformsn’t that no longer serve your needs and take your business to more user-friendly alternatives.


In the digital world, [enshittification] is a frustrating yet all-too-common process where once-beloved platforms become shadowy versions of their former selves. By understanding the signs, causes, and impacts of [enshittification], we can make informed decisions about which platforms we use and how we interact with them. While it might seem like an unstoppable force, we, as users, can push back and advocate for a better, more ethical online experience. Ultimately, we can navigate through [enshittification] and continue enjoying the best the internet offers as long as we stay informed and proactive.

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